CPI Newsletter: Summer 2024
Ecola State Park, Oregon
Message from the Director
The Results are in from our Annual Customer Survey!
Thank you to everyone who gave us feedback on our annual customer survey! We really value and appreciate your feedback. This year, we sent out the survey in customer’s preferred languages to ensure inclusive feedback. We are happy and proud to say that we received overwhelmingly positive feedback. Here are some of the things people said about CPI:
I highly appreciate CPI and all the hard work they put in, as well as how they show a good work ethic.
Our PA always has an answer for me and if they don't know, they will find out and get back to me. My PA is always fast with an answer.
Kindness, Caring, Very responsive to concerns, Dignity/Respect for clients and families.
Our PA is so kind and helpful! They are almost like one of our family. I mostly appreciate their keeping me informed of what's coming up so there are no surprises.
Our PA always answers their phone or returns calls, Barry Snowe always gets back to me also.
The top three positive words used to describe CPI were friendly, good listeners and supportive. 99% of the respondents stated that CPI is helping them meet their needs and achieve their goals! This is a 1% increase over last year. I’m thrilled by this statistic and would love to get that percentage up to 100%
Another positive statistic is that 95% of the respondents said they receive the support and services they need. Again, this is significant! 3% said they were unsure, and 2% were not. We would really like to work on the 2% who feel they are not getting what they need. Almost all of the negative feedback we saw related to being unable to find providers. We know there is sometimes a need for more providers, and we want to work with customers until the right match is found. Finding the right provider is sometimes a delicate and time consuming process for customers and their support teams. We have several systems we use, and we’ve had many positive outcomes, but that doesn’t mean we hit the mark every time. We have dedicated positions inside our agency to assist with on-boarding providers, specifically PSWs. We support people in many different ways with this process.
We conduct this survey every year, so if you didn’t get the chance to participate this year, watch for it next year in January. We appreciate hearing how we are doing and how we can improve! If you want to reach out to me directly, please contact me through info@communitypath.org
Wishing everyone a happy and safe summer!
CPI Updates
Emergency Preparedness Supplies for CPI Customers
In our Spring 2024 newsletter, we shared that CPI is working on an Emergency Response project funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Emergency Response Grant. With this funding, we’ve been able to start buying CPI customers emergency supplies based on their support needs.
Emergency Kits
Earlier this spring, CPI’s personal agents (PAs) contacted all of our customers to ask if they would like to get an emergency kit. These kits include items like first aid supplies, water filtration straws, food bars, and water purification tablets. Every customer who responded and chose an emergency kit option will be getting their kit by the end of October.
If you have not already chosen an emergency kit but would like one, contact your PA by July 26th!
If you cannot reach your PA, email us at info@communitypath.org or call 503-935-5243.
I/DD Emergency Response Resource Fair and Training
Save the Date! Join us for a FREE emergency preparedness resource fair and training for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and support providers living in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties. This event includes a training on how to prepare for emergencies in our local area. It will be held on four different dates: August 26th, September 23rd, October 14th, or November 9th! It is free, voluntary, and open to the public!
Event Details
Dates and Times:
August 26th, 9:00-11:00 a.m.
September 23rd, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
October 14th, 9:00-11:00 a.m.
November 9th, 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Location: Multnomah County East, 600 NE 8th St, Gresham, OR 97030
Parking is available on-site
Public transit stations are near the building
Cost: Free
Contact Us: If you have questions about this event and training, contact your PA. You may also contact Kristine Olson, CPI’s Project Manager. Email kolson@communitypath.org or call 503-935-5255.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is organizing this event and training? Community Pathways is organizing this event in collaboration with the Multnomah County Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Program (Multnomah County DD), Multnomah County’s Office of Emergency Management, and ODHS’s Office of Developmental Disability Services (ODDS). We're also partnering with Oregon’s Department of Emergency Management, Clackamas County Social Services, and local community organizations that serve the Portland Metro Area to offer more emergency preparedness resources.
What is the purpose of this event and training? To help individuals with disabilities and support providers better understand what type of emergencies and natural disasters to prepare for in our local area, how to make an emergency plan, and where to find more information and resources that can support individual needs.
What kind of resources will be shared at the event? Local county and state agencies, power companies, and local organizations will be sharing information and resources focused on helping people plan for and respond to different types of emergencies and natural disasters, like wildfires, ice storms, and earthquakes, as well as power outages.
Who may attend this event and training? Anyone may attend this event. It’s intended for people with I/DD, their families, and support providers. But it is open to the public.
Is this event and training mandatory? Do I have to come? No. You do not have to attend this event. It’s voluntary opportunity to learn more about emergency planning.
If I want to attend the event, do I have to attend all four days? No. The same event is being held on four different dates so more people are able to attend.
What if I want to attend but can’t on the scheduled dates and times? Sign up for our email list so we can send you the resources and information from the training. To sign up, contact CPI’s Project Manager Kristine Olson. Email kolson@communitypath.org or call 503-935-5255.
Will there be food at this event? Yes, there will be snacks!
CPI Professional Development
As in all professions, continuing education is crucial for updating and reinforcing knowledge. Many of our staff members will be attending the annual I/DD Case Management Conference in Salem from July 24-25. If you can’t reach your Personal Agent during this time, please contact us at 503 935-5243.
Celebrate Disability Pride with Phame
Join PHAME for their annual Disability Pride Celebration, presented by PHAME’s student-led Cultural Diversity Awareness Committee (CDAC). This festive afternoon event will include music by DJ Lamar, performances by PHAME artists, art projects, food, and more. PHAME’s Disability Pride Celebration is free and open to PHAME students and the public. This is a drop-in event; stop by for just part of the event, or stay for the whole thing!
Date: Saturday July 20
Time: 12:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Location: at Community Vision, in the covered parking garage
2475 SE Ladd Ave, Portland, OR 97214
Learn to Garden with Aspire Together
Aspire Together is a nonprofit community garden and program in Milwaukie, Oregon, focused on empowering individuals with developmental disabilities (I/DD). Located at Clackamas United Church of Christ, their mission includes teaching gardening skills, promoting healthy eating, and facilitating social interactions through activities like selling produce at local markets. Rachel Mohr, a co-founder and board member, emphasizes their inclusive approach and invites involvement from the I/DD community in shaping future programs. Interested individuals can join by signing up on their website or contacting them directly.
The 2024 garden season opens May 1st and runs through October 31st.
Garden Classes with OSU Extension Master Gardener, Corinne
All classes start at 11am and occur on the 2nd Wednesday of each month
July 10th
August 14th
September 11th
October 9th
Location: Clackamas United Church of Christ 15303 SE Webster Rd Milwaukie, OR 97226
For more information or to make a donation: aspiretogethernonprofit.com.
Please note, there are no public restrooms at this site. The closest public restroom is in Safeway up Webster Road.
Build Preparedness with the OEM Be 2 Weeks Ready Toolkit and Website
Exciting News! On June 17th, the Oregon Department of Emergency Management (OEM) launched a new website for its Be 2 Weeks Ready program, including a new toolkit. The goal of this program is to help individuals make sure they have an emergency plan and enough supplies for them and everyone in their household to survive for at least two weeks following a disaster, like a wildfire or earthquake.
The Be 2 Weeks Ready Toolkit is available in six languages, including American Sign Language. It covers eight units on emergency preparedness that individuals can work through on their own or with a group.
Visit the Be 2 Weeks Ready website: https://www.oregon.gov/oem/hazardsprep/pages/2-weeks-ready.aspx
Share Your Feedback with ODDS
Monthly listening sessions
ODDs would like to know how they can continue to improve their services.
Join ODDS leadership on Zoom to share your feedback. All are welcome to attend these virtual meetings. This is a new series. The first meeting will be on August 7, 2024 from noon to 1 p.m. After that, ODDS will host a meeting every first Wednesday of the month from noon to 1 p.m.
Register here: https://www.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJIsd--grzMoH9Lpfchq1v4-obQMoBgcubw#/registration
Statewide listening sessions
ODDs is hosting listening sessions across the state.
The meetings are in person. Some will also be on Zoom. This will help people who can't join in person.
Each meeting is for community members from certain counties. But, all are welcome.
ODDs will host separate meetings for different groups, so all have a voice. Attend a meeting that applies to you or one this is open to all.
Look at the schedule below to find a city near you.
The schedule might change. ODDs will add dates, locations and links closer to each event. Check the schedule again a few months before your county's meeting.
ODDs wants everyone to feel welcome and safe. Free support will be provided for all to participate. This includes American Sign Language, Spanish interpreter and live captioning. If you need other languages or support, call 503-945-5811 or email odds.questions@odhs.oregon.gov. Relay calls are accepted.
August 20-21, 2024 - Ontario
October 2024 - Madras
April 2025 - La Grande
June 2025 - Astoria
August 2025 - John Day
October 2025 - Tigard
April 2026 - Salem
Celebrate the 34th Anniversary of the ADA
The Oregon Disabilities Commission, Northwest ADA Center and Disability Rights Oregon are hosting a Lunch and Learn webinar series in July 2024 to recognize and celebrate the 34th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Sessions are from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Pacific Time on Tuesdays in July. See flyer below.
Embrace Leadership
Save the date! The Oregon Self Advocacy Coalition (OSAC) is once again hosting its Inclusive Leadership Summit with the goal to bring together Oregon’s self-advocates, family members, professionals, and legislators to learn, celebrate and collaborate.
Date: Thursday, September 12, 2024
Time: To be determined
Location: To be determined
Registration: Available soon
Questions: Contact eventadmin@askosac.org
More details will announced soon.
CPI Events
Join us for Fun Games
Enjoy a Healthy Treat
Well, it’s not really a recipe…
I love fresh fruit, but sometimes I have a hard time making myself prepare it. Even if I manage to cut it up, if the fruit is not great I don’t wind up eating it, which makes me feel terrible.
I just came back from a vacation on a cruise ship and I learned of a new way to eat fruit! At least new to me!
The trick is to chop it all up super small – so each piece of fruit is about the size of a large blueberry. That way, if one piece of mango is a bit under ripe, or the strawberries aren’t super flavorful, it doesn’t matter! You get a nice variety of fruit in every bite and it evens out the quality.
In addition, it’s much easier to mix with yogurt, cereal, or anything else you like!
I’ve heard that you can also add lime juice, or some fresh herbs like mint, basil, or cilantro to add variety.
No more wasted fruit and I’m eating something that’s good for me! Yay!
Holiday Closures
Labor Day - Monday, September 2