Frequently Asked Questions


What is Community Pathways, Inc.?

Community Pathways, Inc. (also called Community Pathways and CPI) is a support services brokerage contracted by the State of Oregon to deliver case management services to adults who experience developmental disabilities and live in their own home or family home in the community.

Learn more about us.

What services does Community Pathways provide?

As a support services brokerage contracted by the State of Oregon, Community Pathways delivers the same types of services to individuals as all other brokerages in Oregon. The services an individual receives are based on their assessed needs, Medicaid funding, and the goals they are working towards.

See a list of brokerage services.  

What is a Personal Agent? What is their role in services?

A personal agent (PA) is an employee of a support services brokerage who acts as a service coordinator and case manager. Their primary role is to get to know the individuals on their caseloads and assist them with accessing, planning, and monitoring the direct support services they need and want. A PA may help provide guidance and advocacy to individuals by attending various meetings (such as IEP, VR, and SSA meetings) with them.

Important note: A PA is neither a direct support provider to an individual nor the employer of an individual's direct support providers. 

Learn more about personal agents.

What is a support services brokerage?

A brokerage is a case management entity (CME), and a nonprofit organization, contracted by the State of Oregon to provide case management services (or "brokerage services") to adults who experience a developmental and/or intellectual disability and live in their own home or family home.

Learn more about brokerages.

How is Community Pathways different from other brokerages?

Contracted by the State of Oregon, each support services brokerage provides the same services. What sets Community Pathways apart from other brokerages are the people who make up our team—supervisors, personal agents, and administrative staff members. Several key members of our staff, including our executive director, have been with Community Pathways since it began in 2008. That’s a lot of shared knowledge and experience! We pride ourselves on knowledgeable resource sharing and delivering high quality, person-centered support services to the individuals we serve.


If you have more questions, contact us. We’d love to hear from you!