Know the Signs of Heat Illness
Heat illness can affect anyone and we should all watch for symptoms in ourselves and others during warm weather.
Heat illness is more common under certain conditions and for individuals with certain risk factors. High temperatures, direct sun exposure, lack of wind or breeze, and exposure to hot surfaces such as blacktop streets or hot machinery increase the risk of heat illness.
Personal risk factors can also increase the likelihood of heat illness, such as dehydration, not being physically ready for an activity, not taking enough breaks during strenuous activity or during extreme temperatures.
People are also at greater risk who have diabetes or heart disease, who have larger bodies or take certain medications including diuretics, muscle relaxers or medications for: blood pressure, allergies, depression or psychosis, diarrhea, dizziness.
If you believe someone has heat exhaustion, get them water and into a cool place immediately. If symptoms persist or worsen to heat stroke, call 911 and follow the supportive measures below until help arrives.
Heat Exhaustion
Heavy sweating
Dizziness or feeling faint
Weakness or muscle cramps
Clammy or pale skin
Nausea, vomiting
Rapid heartbeat
Shallow or rapid breathing
What to do
Remove excess clothing
Rest in a cool area
Drink plenty of fluids
Have a sports drink or salty snack to replace salt and minerals lost through sweat.
Take a cool shower, bath or sponge bath
Heat Stroke
Red, hot skin
Rapid pulse
Heavy sweating (may be absent)
Severe headache
Loss of consciousness
Body temperature of 103 or higher
What to do
Call 9-1-1
Move to an air-conditioned space
Cool down with cold towels and ice
Offer water only if fully conscious